About Us

Cultivating a Digital Learning

IIVET Institute Sponsored By “Education Live Foundation” Delhi (A Charitable Education Trust) An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Accredited from Government of NCT Delhi (Regd. No. 4063) Under An Act 1882 Section 60 Govt. of India working in different fields of Education Information technology, Vocational Education, Nursery Teachers Training etc.

Since 10 Years success, conducting various commercial training programs, our Organization decided to work in "Vocational Education & Industrial Training for all" up to 2008 to 2009 given the slogan by the Indian Govt. For formulating the dream of Indian Govt. fulfill the requirement of employment of 35 lac in I.T.

The Main Function of the Organization is to provide higher technical education, "Vocational Education & Industrial Training in normal charges for every group of Organization of Urban & Rural areas all over India gets success in Education Live! Revolution, which is the main dream of Govt. of India.

Technology and more than other 10 Lac ancillary requirement of computer operator / specialist in industrial development, small scale industries, Our Organization make an important role in the mission IIVET Institute

Present time, some big Institution run their one-year or more than one – year program in higher charges, Due to which the middle class families of our societies cannot afford the load of their charges. Our mission studied their them properly and decided to provide better higher technical & Vocational education in making a foundation of “Education Live Foundation” all over India.

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–––– Benefits

Cultivating a Digital Learning
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Information Technology

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Vocational Education

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Nursery Teacher Training

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Certified Public Accountant

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IIVET Online Admission Form

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Our Vision

To be a premier IIVET Institution having collaborations with the leading Institutes of the country.

To provide state of the art facilities and world class education, training, research, Consultancy and outreach services in the areas of Technology & Management, Journalism and Mass Communication, Vocational Education, Nursery Teachers Training etc.

To promote professional ethics and a sense of civic responsibility, empowering the students to be leader entrepreneurs in their respective fields and society as a whole.

Our Mission

To provide a comprehensive education that prepares students to contribute effectively to their profession and society.

To enable the students to develop and nurture the competence and confidence to
take on the technological challenges of tomorrow.